Dry Ridge / Dry Verge
Dry Ridge / Verge
Dry Verge System
Dry verge systems are a simple, effective way of securely fixing concrete interlocking tiles without the need for mortar. Using dry verge caps and units gives a strong and reliable fix without mortar.
Dry verge roofing makes use of interlocking caps that fit over the edge of your roof tiles, and offers an effective and, more importantly, durable alternative to wet verges. Dry verge caps are usually made of plastic, which in itself offers some distinct advantages. The most obvious advantage is plastic’s durability; plastic verge caps should last you at least 10 years and require a fraction (if any) of the maintenance associated with mortar.

Dry Ridge System
Dry ridge refers to a method of mechanically fixing ridge tiles or hip ridge tiles to a roof without the use of traditional and and cement mortar
Dry ridge, rather than relying on mortar for a bond, instead employs a dry fix system that typically uses screws – often stainless steel – to attach clamps between the joints of every ridge tile, clamping them to the roof. Beneath these screws are waterproof unions that catch any small amount of direct rainfall and disperse it sideways back onto the roof itself.
The advantages of dry ridge are that that it is maintenance free, will not come loose or blow off suring a storm and provides discrete ventilation of the roof space to stop any harmful build up of condensation.